I have no regrets in my life. I think that everything happens to you for a reason. The hard times that you go through build character, making you a much stronger person!

random days

Some days you wake up great, ready to take on the world, other days like today, I would put in an odd category. Im doing well, but my mind is elsewhere on a million things. Time to shut my eyes and slow down for a bit. A beautiful weekend is near, and Im looking forward to it

Day 139: Monday’s Beginning

Kathryn Dawson Photography

“Nothing’s all that scary if you can see it coming”
― Jennifer E. Smith

I have a bad habit of waking up at 5:30am lately – but this morning it was most definitely worth it…




Yes it’s the tree again, but I have to make the most of it because in a few months I won’t be waking up to that view everyday anymore! Plus it’s rare I’m actually awake for a sunrise too… These photographs are all iPhone shots with a little tweaking in photoshop afterwards to remove pesky telephone wires.

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California Per mile tax for drivers

In a time when so many of us commute to and from, im curious how this will play out. from my understanding with so many people driving hybrid and fuel efficient vehicles now days the gas tax isn’t bringing the revenue that it once did. I myself personally do not drive that often but I have many friends who commute 40-100 miles a day for work. Even a simple road trip for a vacation could end up being a financial burden at the end of the year. very curious to see how all this plays out.  

such power

such power

It always amazes me, how beautiful something we see every day can be. From one part of the world to another how something can look so different depending on where you are.